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Tag: Paris to the Pyrenees

Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 16: Vercingetorix at the strange local history museum in Saint Pere sous Vezelay

  800×600   Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 16: Vercingetorix at the strange local history museum in Saint Pere sous Vezelay…

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NPR Interview with Jacki Lyden about Paris to the Pyrenees: The paperback is out!

    To mark the May 2014 release of the paperback version of Paris to the Pyrenees: A Skeptic Pilgrim Walks the Way of Saint…

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Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 14: A Bang-Up Meal at the Lion d’Or and we’re off… to Saint Pere sous Vezelay!

  Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 14: A Bang-Up Meal at the Lion d'Or and we're off…   These blog posts…

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Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 13: The View from Vezelay or Religion vs Secularism in France

  Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 13: The View from Vezelay or Religion vs Secularism in France   These blog posts…

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Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 12: Asquins, Homely Sister of Vezelay

  Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 12: Asquins, Homely Sister of Vezelay   These blog posts are taken directly from my…

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Paris to the Pyrenees: From a Traveler’s Notesbooks, Part 11, Finitude, Crusaders at the Chapel of La Cordelle in Vezelay

  Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 11: Finitude, Crusaders at the Chapel of La Cordelle in Vezelay These blog posts are…

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Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 9: Meditations on the Fabled Porch (Narthex) and Nave of the Basilica of Mary Magdalene in Vezelay

  Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 9: Meditations on the Fabled Porch (Narthex) and Nave of the Basilica of Mary Magdalene…

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Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 7: Vézelay, relics, and the pilgrimage-tourist trade

  Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 7: Vézelay, relics, and the pilgrimage-tourist trade   These blog posts are taken directly from…

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Paris to the Pyrenees: From a Traveler’s Notebooks, post 6, Vézelay with Scallops à la Saint Jacques

 Paris to the Pyrenees: From a Traveler’s Notebooks, post 6, Vézelay with Scallops à la Saint Jacques These blog posts are taken directly from my…

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Paris to the Pyrenees: From a Traveler’s Notebooks, post 3 Paris Prelude cont.: Paris Underground

  Paris to the Pyrenees: From a Traveler’s Notebooks, post 3 Paris Prelude cont.: Paris Underground   These blog posts are taken directly from my…

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Paris to the Pyrenees: From a Traveler’s Notebooks, post 2 Paris Prelude cont.: Rue St Jacques

            Paris to the Pyrenees: From a Traveler’s Notebooks, post 2 Paris Prelude cont.: Rue St Jacques   These blog…

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Paris to the Pyrenees: From a Traveler’s Notebooks, post 1 Paris Prelude: Reasons Why

  Paris to the Pyrenees: From a Traveler’s Notebooks, post 1 Paris Prelude: Reasons Why These blog posts are taken directly from my notebooks. They…

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