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Month: May 2014

Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 16: Vercingetorix at the strange local history museum in Saint Pere sous Vezelay

  800×600   Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 16: Vercingetorix at the strange local history museum in Saint Pere sous Vezelay…

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Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 15: Saint Pere sous Vezelay and Marc Meneau and l’Esperance

  Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 15: Saint Pere sous Vezelay and Marc Meneau and l'Esperance These blog posts are taken…

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NPR Interview with Jacki Lyden about Paris to the Pyrenees: The paperback is out!

    To mark the May 2014 release of the paperback version of Paris to the Pyrenees: A Skeptic Pilgrim Walks the Way of Saint…

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Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 14: A Bang-Up Meal at the Lion d’Or and we’re off… to Saint Pere sous Vezelay!

  Paris to the Pyrenees, From a Traveler’s Notebooks, Part 14: A Bang-Up Meal at the Lion d'Or and we're off…   These blog posts…

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