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Vintage Beaune

My first post for TheRamblingEpicure is about Beaune and wine.
The background: author and editor Jonell Galloway, creator of the website, discovered Food Wine Burgundy at a winery-B&B in Beaune. She reviewed the book, contacted me, and we are now working together. So the sequencing was as follows: 1) admiration for the book; 2)review; 3) professional collaboration. This wasn’t a tit-for-tat. Otherwise I would not be so upfront about posting her review, and then also immediately posting my first article for TheRamblingEpicure. Integrity is all, and that’s no joke. Ask the ex-president of Tunisia. Enjoy!


Vintage Beaune
Beaune, Burgundy wineries, wine tourism, winemaking

by David Downie

Many wine lovers know that in the Middle Ages monks at the abbey of Cluny in southern Burgundy perfected the art of winemaking. But few outside the region have heard of Rector Eumenus’ speech in 312 AD to Emperor Constantine at Augustodunum, today’s Autun. Even locals don’t realize that fine wines were being grown in Constantine’s day on the limestone hills of the Côte d’Or.

Eumenus extolled in particular the vineyards of a pleasant village called Belenos, on the Roman road from Lyon to Paris, in the sunwashed Sâone River Valley. Still the capital of winegrowing in Burgundy, modern Belenos, better known as Beaune, hosts more wineries within or near its medieval ramparts than any mere mortal—except, perhaps, Robert Parker—could reasonably discover in anything less than a three-day visit.
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Published inFood Wine Burgundy France Travel Guidebooks

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