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Category: SF Bay Area book events

A Passion for Paris: France’s Most Popular Writers Then and Now are Romantics

  photos courtesy Alison Harris   A couple of jpegs of Le Figaro. They show “the best-loved most widely read writers” in France. Guess who…

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A Passion for Paris: George Sand, Romanticism’s Great Woman Happy?

  George Sand was the "Great Woman" of the Romantic Age, according to Victor Hugo. If anyone could make that claim it was Hugo. Successful,…

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Charlie Hebdo and French Caricature: Children of the Revolution and Romantic Age

Louis XVI shown as a glutton, Revolutionary era caricature   Caricature has always been a dangerous business in France: starting from the earliest days of…

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Paris to the Pyrenees: Book Tour Schedule April/May 2013

  Updated May 2, 2013: exciting new radio-book event added to schedule! See below!!   Please come to one of the many events organized on…

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Paris to the Pyrenees, Ancient Gaul, and Vercingetorix the Chief

Anyone who thinks the modern French are not still obsessed by the tragiheroic figure of Vercingetorix ought to think again. This is the guy who…

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SF Bay Area book events start May 2

We’re in Berkeley, traveling for our US book tour, beating the drum about our pair of newborn books: “Quiet Corners of Rome” (April 25, 2011)…

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