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Paris, Snow, Murder, Terror

Paris City of Night (the thriller) is set in the last days of a snowy, cold year in Paris… with murderers and madmen and secret agents running amok (I’ve never actually written that before, and it feels good). Here’s the jacket copy of the thriller. People keep emailing me and saying, “I can’t believe it, Paris is just like the city in your novel, I mean, the snow, the crazy traffic, the murderous types…”

So, to warm you up, wherever you may be…

Paris is alluring and seductive, but by no means benign, as Jay Grant well knows. Orange alerts make people trigger-happy. Red and black alerts are worse. They transform the City of Light into a hellish City of Night…

December 26: Madeleine Adelaïde de Lafayette, celebrated Résistance and Free French hero, former CIA deputy chief of station in Paris, is found dead in her mansion fronting the Eiffel Tower. Few know she was a key player in the misguided Allied effort to fight Communism by smuggling Nazis to freedom. So was William Grant, Madeleine’s favorite operative, also recently deceased.

December 28: As the countdown to New Year’s Eve flashes from the top of the Eiffel Tower, vintage photography and Daguerreotype expert Jay Grant, “son of a spook,” races to piece together a deadly picture-puzzle. Why were Madeleine and his father William murdered——and whose side is the CIA really on? Someone is trying to kill Jay before he can crack a code embedded on a set of Daguerreotype plates and flush out terrorists plotting to attack Paris. Persuing Jay through the menacingly dark City of Light are a shadowy recycled Cold Warrior, a sexy Homeland Security officer, and his father William’s aged, fanatic former colleague, a man whose mission is no longer beating the Commies but battling radical Islam, even if it means destroying parts of the city he loves…

“A wild ride through the dark side of Paris.”——Diane Johnson

“A fast-moving, atmospheric thriller. Best to start reading this one early in the evening… unless, that is, you don’t mind losing a night’s sleep!” —David Hunt, best-selling author of The Magician’s Tale

“Unputdownable——a real page-turner. No one should miss this.” —Anton Gill, author of the world best-selling series The Egyptian Mysteries

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