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Month: August 2014

David Downie’s Paris Timeline sampler #2, the reign of Louis XIV, in a nutshell

Horsing around, in regal fashion   Why was the reign of Louis XIV considered France’s “Golden Age?” Keep reading and might find out. Louis’ period…

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#Paris Date-a-Day sampler: David Downie’s Paris Timeline, today’s date: 52 BC

    Why 52 BC? Keep reading and you’ll find out. It’s one of the key dates in the history of Paris (hint: it’s also…

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FOOD WINE ROME: Excerpts from the app. Daily Delight 3# Settimo Gelo Ice Cream

  From the intro: Rome, the best food city in Italy? Maybe. One thing’s for sure: Rome ranks high among Italy’s great food cities. It…

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FOOD WINE ROME: Excerpts from the app. Daily Delight #2, Caffè Sant’Eustachio

Rome, the best food city in Italy? Maybe. One thing’s for sure: Rome ranks high among Italy’s great food cities. It is an obscenely rich…

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